Upload your dizmo to dizmoStore

When you upload a dizmo to dizmoStore, you will be flagged as its owner and developer. You can only change and update a dizmo that you own.

If you see the error message "Request requires role ‘developer’ – Error Nr.: 1006", then you are not enrolled as a developer. Only enrolled developers can upload and distribute dizmos on dizmoStore. You can read more about how to become an enrolled developer.


Before you can upload your dizmo, you have to set the dizmoStore host, and your dizmoID user and password parameters.

They can be set via the store/host, store/user and store/pass configurations in package.json. Better, they can be set in .generator-dizmo/config.json. A third option is to use the DZM_STORE_HOST, DZM_STORE_USER and DZM_STORE_PASS environment variables.

Note: Username and password should not be directly set in package.json, but instead via the default configuration. This is to avoid that the store credentials are accidentally committed to a version control system.

You will also need to set a category in package.json. The available categories are:

Configuration examples

Example package.json

    "dizmo": {
        "store": {
            "host": "https://store-api.dizmo.com"
    "settings": {
        "bundle-identifier": "com.example.my_project",
        "bundle-name": "My Project",
        "category: "tools",

Example .generator-dizmo/config.json

        "store": {
            "host": "https://store-api.dizmo.com",
            "user": "..",
            "pass": ".."


Use the following command to upload and publish your dizmo to the dizmoStore in one step:

    npm run upload

The following can be executed when only an upload, but no publication, is desired:

    npm run upload -- --no-publish

The following can be executed when only a publication, but no upload, is desired:

    npm run upload -- --publish

However, the command above assumes that the actual upload has already been performed. If the dizmo has not been uploaded previously, the command will fail to execute. That is because there is no uploaded dizmo to publish.


You can not upload a dizmo with the same version number more than once. Should you encounter the error message "Dizmo version already existing in store – Error Nr.: 1208" when uploading a dizmo, make sure you update the version in package.json. For example, update the version from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2 before you attempt to upload again.