dizmo's note: The subtree of the «/viewer» node provides all data about the instance of dizmoViewer currently running and allows dizmos to store that should be made available to other dizmos running in this dizmoViewer instance (private subtree) as well as providing access to information shared with the world (public subtree).
Access to this information is provided by the access methods of the viewer object:viewer.getAttribute("<path>");
viewer.privateStorage.getProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
viewer.privateStorage.setProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
viewer.publicStorage.getProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
viewer.publicStorage.setProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
For more information have a look at the chapters about «Data Tree» and «Persistence» in the developers documentation.
dizmo's note: The subtree of the «/viewer/attributes» node provides all kinds of information about the instance of dizmoViewer currently running. Access this information using viewer.getAttribute("[info-path]");
dizmo's note: Please find the details about audio recording at http://test.dizmo.com/docs/topics/audio
dizmo's note: Codec of the audio stream. This can only be set when recording is stopped.
write true
type string
default audio/pcm
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Information from the audio recorder, if any recording is active
write false
type boolean
default false
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Sample rate of the audio stream (values per second). This can only be set, when recording is stopped
write true
type Integer
default 8000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Sample size of the audio data stream in bits. This can only be set, when the recording is stopped.
write true
type Integer
range 8, 16
default 16
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Provides base64 encoded audio data as a string. To access the audio information subscribe to this data tree node
write false
type string
default "0"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Returns all supported settings for the currently selected audio recording device as a json
write false
type String
default "{<devicename>:{"channels":["1","2","3","4"],"codecs":["audio/pcm"],"samplerates":["8000","44100","48000"],"samplesizes":["8","16","24"]}}"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array of dizmoIDs of all dizmos located on the viewer surface directly
write false
type [string]
range hexstring
example ["h3753bff70b74d672524fa570f2fa2567", "hd4413a56a4c5c72f4ad24528757f9850"]
prev-path /dizmos
subscribable true
default []
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/viewer/attributes» node provides information about geometry of the surface provided by dizmoViewer. Access these items using viewer.getAttribute("geometry/[info]");
dizmo's note: The rotation at which the surface of dizmoViewer is currently displayed
write true
type integer
range 0..360
default 0
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The height of the rectangle of the dizmoViewer surface currently visible.
In order to get the height of the window in which dizmoViewer renders its content in pixels, just multiply this value with the «zoom» factor. If the view is set to «full screen» this corresponds to the height of the screen.
write false
type integer
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The width of the rectangle of the dizmoViewer surface currently visible. In order to get the width of the window in which dizmoViewer renders its content in pixels, just multiply this value with the «zoom» factor. If the view is set to «full screen» this corresponds to the width of the screen.
write false
type integer
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The current height of the dizmo application window
write false
type integer
available since 1.1r1
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The current width of the dizmo application window
write false
type integer
available since 1.1r1
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Deprecated, has been moved to «/viewer/attributes/globalSettings/Viewer_WorkspaceHeight»The current height of the workspace
write falsetype numberavailable since 1.2rc1subscribable false
dizmo's note: Deprecated, has been moved to «/viewer/attributes/globalSettings/Viewer_WorkspaceWidth»The current width of the workspace
write falsetype numberavailable since 1.2rc1subscribable false
dizmo's note: The x coordinate of the center of the rectangle of the dizmoViewer surface currently being displayed
write true
type integer
range -3000..3000
default 0
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The y coordinate of the center of the rectangle of the dizmoViewer surface currently being displayed
write true
type integer
range -3000..3000
default 0
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The zoom level used to render the currently visible part of the dizmoViewer surface
write true
type float
range 0.1..10
default 1
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/viewer/attributes» node provides access to all the values read from the basic settings file of dizmoViewer (GlobalSettings.xml). Access them using viewer.getAttribute("globalSettings/[setting]");
For more information about the items available in this subtree have a look at the documentation of the GlobalSettings.xml file. Please be aware, that some values are not available in any case. In example Store_HostUrl and Synchro_HostUrl are only available, when they are set in the GlobalSettings.xml by the user.
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The URL of the server to be used to get new or updated dizmos.
write false
type string
default "store-api.dizmo.com"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The URL of the server to be used to save and laod dizmo setups
write false
type string
default "synchro-api.dizmo.com"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: There a re many more settings items available in this subtree. For more information have a look at the documentation of the GlobalSettings.xml file.
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/viewer/attributes» node provides all kinds of information about the instance of dizmoViewer currently running. Access them using viewer.getAttribute("product/[info]");
dizmo's note: The date and time when the instance of dizmoViewer running was compiled in the format dd.mm.yy hh.mm.
write false
type string
example "18.12.14 14:54"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array proving the versions of the dizmoJS library installed on the instance of dizmoViewer running
write false
type [string]
example ["1.0", "1.1"]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array proving the versions of the dizmoElements library installed on the instance of dizmoViewer running
write false
type [string]
example ["1.0"]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array proving the versions of the dizmoHelper library installed on the instance of dizmoViewer running
write false
type [string]
example ["1.0"]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array proving the visual themes installed on the instance of dizmoViewer running
write false
type [string]
example ["Default"]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: A string proving the Qt and rendering library versions used in the instance of dizmoViewer running
write false
type string
example "'Qt 5.3.1' 'WebKit 538.1'"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The name of the person or organization the instance of dizmoViewer running was licensed to
write true
type string
example "John Doe"
prev-path /viewer/licenseTo
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Let the dizmo set a serial number as license key for the current running dizmo space.
write true
read false
type string
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The type of license under which the current instance of dizmoViewer is running
write false
type string
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The version of the storage tree the instance of dizmoViewer running provides.
write false
type string
example "1.1"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The version string of the instance of dizmoViewer running in a human readable format
write false
type string
example "1.0r2 Build 760"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The version of the instance of dizmoViewer running as a machine readable string composed of four integers separated by dots.
These numbers indicate major version, minor version, development state (100: alpha, 200: beta, 300: release candidate, 400: release) and subversion plus the build number.
write false
type string
example "1.0.402.760"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/viewer/attributes» node provides all kinds of parameters about the current configuration of dizmoViewer. Access them using viewer.getAttribute("settings/[setting]");
dizmo's note: The duration in milliseconds for the transition animation to turn a dizmo from its front to its back and vice versa.
write true
type integer
range 50..3000
default 500
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The webcolor of the dizmoViewer surface.
Up to API V1.1 and version 1.1 of dizmoViewer the order of the values was ARGB (#ffafc809 as a default)
write true
type string
range color
default "#e6e6e6ff"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The URL of the current background image used to draw the surface of dizmoViewer. The image will be tiled if its size is smaller than the size of the surface
write true
type string
range URL
default ""
example "file:///Users/jdoe/Pictures/myBackground.png"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: A boolean indicating the status of the development mode currently set for dizmoViewer
write true
type boolean
range "true", "false"
default "false"
example "false"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: A string indicating the display mode currently set for dizmoViewer
write true
type string
range "edit", "presentation"
default "edit"
example "development"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: A boolean indicating whether or not dizmoViewer is shown full screen or in a window
write true
type boolean
subscribable true
default false
dizmo's note: A boolean indicating whether or not dizmoViewer shows the system keyboard
write true
type boolean
subscribable true
default false
dizmo's note: The two character ISO 639-1 code of language currently selected
write true
type string
example "en"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The mode for accepting dizmoLive connections. If set to "askuser" dizmoViewer will ask the user before accepting an incoming dizmoLive connection. If set to "silentlive" dizmoViewer will accept any incoming dizmoLive connection immediately. If set to "donotdisturb" dizmoViewer will decline any incoming connections immediately.
write true
type string
range "askuser", "silentlive", "donotdisturb"
default "askuser"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This is the MIME type for which the available bundleIds are specified. This table is maintained by dizmoViewer based on information coming from Info.plists
dizmo's note: The bundleId of the dizmo to be used by default for this kind of MIME type
write true
type string
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This is an unordered array of bundleIds of dizmos that can handle a specific MIME type. This list is maintained by dizmoViewer based on Information coming from dizmos Info.plists.
write false
type [string]
subscribable true
dizmo's note: A boolean indicating wether or not dizmoViewer does supply the supporting guiding lines to align dizmos
write true
type boolean
subscribable true
default true
dizmo's note: The Id of of the theme currently in use
write true
type string
default "Default"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: A factor by which the viewer should scale its UI elements (menus, buttons, dialogs).
write true
type float
range 0.5..2
default 1
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The username provided when logging in to dizmoViewer
write false
type string
default "default"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: removed after 1.1r2
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/viewer/attributes» node provides all kinds of information about the platform on which dizmoViewer is currently running. Access them using viewer.getAttribute("system/[info]");
dizmo's note: This flag is set to true if dizmoViewer has been installed without administrative rights, i.e. if it has user access rights only. This information is typically used for support purposes.
write false
type boolean
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The name of the city closest to the location of the device on which dizmoViewer is running
write false
type string
example "Zuerich"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The number of bytes of main physical memory currently allocated to dizmoViewer
write false
type integer
example 275415040
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The number of bytes of main physical memory currently used by dizmoViewer
write false
type integer
example 275341312
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The number of bytes of main physical memory available for use on the underlying hardware (real or virtual)
write false
type integer
example 804442112
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The latitude of the current location of the device on which dizmoViewer is running (-90 indicating the south pole, 90 indicating the north pole)
write false
type float
example 47.367347
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The longitude of the current location of the device on which dizmoViewer is running (>0 indicating east of Greenwich, >0 west of Greenwich)
write false
type float
example 8.5500025
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The IPv4 address of the device on which this instance of dizmoViewer is running in Dot-decimal notation. Cleared from self loops, peer2peer and inactive connections.
write false
type [string]
example [""]
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The IPv6 address of the device on which this instance of dizmoViewer is running in Colon-hex notation. Cleared from self loops, peer2peer and inactive connections.
write false
type [string]
example ["fe80::344d:6e34:bc92:4abf%10", "fe80::64d5:792:ffeb:bf3f%23", "fe80::819e:9c33:87d3:4a%24"]
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The time of the last workspace backup stored for the current user in seconds since epoch
write false
type float
example 1486113066
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Provides the dpi of the screen currently set in the OS. This is not the same as the actual resolution of the screen hardware. This is used to autoscale all UI elements drawn by the viewer (menus, buttons, dialogs). The automatic scaling factor to draw UI elements is calculated as logicalDpi / 96.
write false
type integer
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Indicates if the underlying hard- and software has a connection to the Internet. true if the connection is available and working. This is updated whenever the value is requested.
write false
type boolean
subscribable false
dizmo's note: Indicates if the underlying hard- and software support rendering based on openGL
write false
type boolean
subscribable false
dizmo's note: Provides the version of openGL (if available) running on the underlying hard- and software
write false
type string
example "3.2"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: A string describing the type and version of the operating system on which dizmoViewer is currently running
write false
type string
examples "Mac OS X 10.8"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The architecture for which the running version of dizmoViewer has been compiled for
write false
type string
examples "macosx"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The number of bytes of main physical memory installed in the underlying hardware (real or virtual)
write false
type integer
example 8589934592
subscribable false
dizmo's note: Subtree to get data about available live hosts and connections Deprecated, has been moved to «remoteHosts»
dizmo's note: A unique identifier like the IP address, the reverse lookup name or the host name of another dizmoViewer instance that is connected or can be connected to the local dizmoViewer instance. Don't make any assumptions about the format of this Id as it might change in the future.
Depreciated, has been moved to «remoteHosts»
write false
type String
range Any string
example "dev001.example.com-1"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array of dizmoIDs of the dizmos currently transmitting from and to the other dizmoViewer if there is currently is an open connection.
write false
type Array of Strings
range (hexstring)
example ["h3753bff70b74d672524fa570f2fa2567", "hd4413a56a4c5c72f4ad24528757f9850"]
prev-path /viewer/openLiveConnections/dizmos
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The host name of the other dizmoViewer. This string is usually grabbed from the operating system.
write false
type String
range (host String)
example "local.otherComputer"
prev-path /viewer/openLiveConnections/hostName
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The IPv4 address of the device on which the remote instance of dizmoViewer is running in Dot-decimal notation.
write false
type List of strings (Dot-decimal)
example ["", ""]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This field provides the IPv4 address of the gateway that is or has to be used to connect to the remote host. If the remote dizmoViewer instance is available using a direct LAN connection this is set to "" (localhost).
write false
type List of strings (Dot-decimal)
example ["", ""]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The IPv6 address of the device on which the remote instance of dizmoViewer is running in Colon-hex notation.
write false
type List of strings (Colon-hex)
example ["2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:1234/64", "2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:5342/64"]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This field provides the IPv6 address of the dizmoLive hub that is or has to be used to connect to the remote host. If the remote dizmoViewer instance is available using a direct LAN connection this is set to "::1" (localhost).
write false
type List of strings (Colon-hex)
example ["::1", "2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7347/64"]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This item provides the status of the connection. The states provided should be self explaining.
write false
type String
range ["closed", "connecting", "open", "closing"]
example "connecting"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The time of the latest connection status change.
write false
type unsigned int
range (0 - UINT_MAX)
example 1234567890
prev-path /viewer/openLiveConnections/time
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Name of the user that has signed in on the remote dizmoViewer.
write false
type String
range Any string
example "kkratzenstein"
prev-path /viewer/openLiveConnections/userName
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/viewer/attributes» node provides information about the setup that has last been stored / loaded. Access them using viewer.getAttribute("setup/[info]");
available since 1.1r3subscribable true
Deprecated, setups are now tied to Pads
dizmo's note: The id of the current setup. This will change after «Load», «Save», «Clear» and «Rename» Empty string if cleared.
write false
type string
default ""
available since 1.1r3
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The name of the setup given to it by its owner
The dizmoID of the person who created and therefore owns a setup. Ownership will not be changed if someone else with the right to write back to a shared setup has saved an updated version.
write false
type string
default ""
available since 1.1r3
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The dizmoID of the person who created and therefore owns a setup. Ownership will not be changed if someone else with the right to write back to a shared setup has saved an updated version.
write false
type string
default ""
available since 1.1r3
subscribable true
Deprecated, setups are now tied to Pads
dizmo's note: Nodes stored in this part of the viewer tree will be accessible from the network in the future. Use viewer.publicStorage().getProperty("[anypath]")
to access such a global node.
The URL to access a public node at "/viewer/public/mypath/node" will be something like "http://host.example.com:3418/viewer/public/mypath/node". This will either be made available through AJAX or potentially by providing access functions like getPropertyHttp("", "/viewer/public/mypath/node");
dizmo's note: Nodes stored in this part of the viewer tree will be accessible for all dizmos that are instantiated locally. Use viewer.privateStorage().getProperty("[anypath]")
to access such a local node.
dizmo's note: The subtree of the «/dizmos» node provides access to the data about all the dizmos instantiated in the dizmoViewer currently running. It does so by providing one node for every dizmo using the dizmoID as its name.
Each of these dizmo nodes provides three subtrees providing attributes of a dizmo as well as access to its public and private data. Data in the private subtree can only be accessed by the dizmo that hold this node while data in the public subtree can be accessed by any dizmo that has access to that part of the data tree.
Access to a dizmos information is provided by the following access methods:dizmo.getAttribute("<path>");
dizmo.privateStorage.getProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
dizmo.privateStorage.setProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
dizmo.publicStorage.getProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
dizmo.publicStorage.setProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
For more information have a look at the chapters about «Data Tree» and «Persistence» in the developers documentation.
dizmo's note: The name of this node is a dizmoID that is used to identify a particular instance of a dizmo. This is a hex string that might look like "h3753bff70b74d672524fa570f2fa2567". So the name of the node given here is just an example. In an actual environment expect there to be several of these nodes but all of them sharing the same structure as shown this example.
dizmo's note: The subtree of the «/dizmos/[dizmoID]/attributes» node provides all kinds of information about the particular instance of a dizmo. Access this information using dizmo.getAttribute("[info-path]");
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/dizmos/[dizmoID]/attributes» node provides information about absolute geometry of the dizmo. These values are based on a coordinate system that is given by the workspace. Access these items using `dizmo.getAttribute(absoluteGeometry/[info]");
dizmo's note: The rotation at which the dizmo is displayed on the surface of dizmoViewer, relative to the viewer. A value of «0» means the dizmo is dawn upright relative to the dizmo viewer.
write false
type integer
default 0
subscribable true
range 0..360
dizmo's note: The height of the rectangle of the dizmo in pixels in relation to the dizmo space.
write false
type integer
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The width of the rectangle of the dizmo in pixels in relation to the dizmo space.
write false
type integer
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The x coordinate of the top left of the rectangle of the dizmo relative to the dizmo space.
write false
type integer
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The y coordinate of the top left of the rectangle of the dizmo relative to the dizmo space.
write false
type integer
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The zoom factor used to render the dizmo in relation to the dizmo space.
write false
type float
default 1
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The bundleID of the bundle used to create this dizmo instance. This can be used to access more information about this dizmo by accessing bundle.getAttributes("version");
write false
type string
example com.dizmo.example
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array of dizmoIDs of all dizmos located on this dizmo directly
write false
type [string]
range hexstring
example ["h3753bff70b74d672524fa570f2fa2567", "hd4413a56a4c5c72f4ad24528757f9850"]
subscribable true
default []
dizmo's note: This item indicated if and how a dizmo is being shared via dizmoLive. It can have one of the following three values:
* "outgoing"
if the dizmo initiated the connection (i.e. was part of a connection that opened or if it was dragged onto a sharing parent dizmo later)
* "incoming"
if the dizmo was created based on data that was coming in
* ""
(an empty string) if the dizmo is not being shared via a live connection
write false
type string
default ""
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This item contains the Id of the remote host from or to which a connection is active (see state/connected/direction). If there is no open connection this item is an empty string.
write false
type string
default ""
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The time when the dizmo was created (instantiated) in milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970, according to UTC time. Used = new Date(parseInt(dizmo.getAttribute("created")));
to get a date object representing the creation time.
write false
type integer
example 1420987102320
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array of dizmoIDs of all dizmos docked to this dizmo directly
write false
type [string]
range hexstring
example ["h96753bff70b74d672524fa570f2fa25ca3", "h21413a56a4c5c72f4ad24528757f989a"]
subscribable true
default []
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/dizmos/[dizmoID]/attributes» node provides information about geometry of the dizmo. These values are based on the coordinate system that is given by the parent dizmo. Access these items using dizmo.getAttribute("geometry/[info]");
dizmo's note: The height of the rectangle of the dizmo front in pixels
write true
type integer
range 50..4000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The width of the rectangle of the dizmo front in pixels
write true
type integer
range 65..4000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The height of the rectangle of the dizmo back in pixels. When not set, the dizmo viewer uses the front values also for the back side
write true
type integer
range 50..4000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The width of the rectangle of the dizmo back in pixels. When not set, the dizmo viewer uses the front values also for the back side
write true
type integer
range 65..4000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The rotation at which the dizmo is displayed on the surface of dizmoViewer. A value of «0» means the dizmo is dawn upright relative to the parent dizmo.
write true
type integer
range 0..360
default 0
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The current height of the rectangle of the dizmo in pixels. Is either the front or the back side value, related to the current state of the dizmo.
write true
type integer
range 50..4000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The maximum height of the dizmo content in pixels. The user using the resize handle, cannot make the dizmo larger in height than this value
write true
type integer
range 50..4000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The maximum width of the dizmo content in pixels. The user using the resize handle, cannot make the dizmo larger in width than this value
write true
type integer
range 65..4000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The minimal height of the dizmo content in pixels. The user using the resize handle, cannot make the dizmo smaller in height than this value
write true
type integer
range 50..4000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The minimal width of the dizmo content in pixels. The user using the resize handle, cannot make the dizmo smaller in width than this value
write true
type integer
range 65..4000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The current width of the rectangle of the dizmo in pixels. Is either the front or the back side value, related to the current state of the dizmo.
write true
type integer
range 65..4000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The x coordinate of the top left of the rectangle of the dizmo relative to the parent dizmo. The range is only checked if the dizmo does not have a parent. In general it is recommended to use dizmo.setPostion(x, y) instead of manipulating this attribute directly.
write true
type integer
range -3000..3000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The y coordinate of the top left of the rectangle of the dizmo relative to the parent dizmo. The range is only checked if the dizmo does not have a parent. In general it is recommended to use dizmo.setPostion(x, y) instead of manipulating this attribute directly.
write true
type integer
range -3000..3000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The zoom factor used to render the dizmo on the dizmoViewer surface. A value of 1 means the dizmo is drawn the way it has been described by the original HTML and CSS code
write true
type float
range 0.1..10
default 1
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The last raised error code from this dizmo.
write false
type integer
default 0
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The time when some data of the dizmo (like position, data, ...) was last modified in milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970, according to UTC timeUsed = new Date(parseInt(dizmo.getAttribute("modified")));
to get a date object representing the creation time.
write false
example 1420987102320
subscribable false
type integer
dizmo's note: The dizmoID of the dizmo on which this one is located. Empty string if this is the dizmoViewer surface. Setting a new parent is possible but restricted by several criteria to ensure conceptual & visual integrity of the dizmos on the surface, have a look at the documentation about setting the parent for more detailed information.
write true
example "h2753bff704c4d672524fa570f2fa28af"
subscribable true
default ""
type string
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/dizmos/[dizmoID]/attributes» node provides information about the settings of the dizmo mostly controlled by the user. Access these items using dizmo.getAttribute("settings/[info]");
dizmo's note: The webcolor of the dizmo background. This is duplicate of frameColor. Up to API V1.1 and version 1.1 of dizmoViewer the order of the values was ARGB (#ffafc809 as a default)
deprecated - use frameColor instead
write truetype Stringrange (RGBA webcolor)default "#afc809ff"
dizmo's note: The URL of the current background image used to draw the dizmo. The image will be tiled if its size is smaller than the size of the surface
deprecated - use frameImage instead
write truetype Stringrange (URL)default ""
example "file:///Users/jdoe/Pictures/myBackground.png"
dizmo's note: The webcolor currently used to draw the frame of the dizmo. Up to API V1.1 and version 1.1 of dizmoViewer the order of the values was ARGB (#ffafc809 as a default)
write true
type string
range color
default #e6e6e6ff
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The URL of the current background image used to draw the frame of the dizmo
write true
type string
range URL
default ""
example file:///Users/jdoe/Pictures/myBackground.png
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The opacity used to draw the frame of the dizmo. This a percentage given as a number between 0 and 1 where 1 means the dizmo's frame os fully opaque, i.e. intransparent
write true
type float
range 0.15..1
default 1
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The URI of the icon of this dizmo instance to be used on a «dark» background. In most cases this will be equal to the URI of the bundle «dark icon» but it can be changed by the dizmo
write true
type string
range URL
default bundle://Icon-dark.svg
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The URI of the icon of this dizmo instance. In most cases this will be equal to the URI of the bundle icon. However this URI can be changed by the dizmo to display an alert for example
write true
type string
range URL
default bundle://Icon.svg
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The time in milliseconds to remove a dizmo from the current setup. Set this to be longer the more data will be lost when a dizmo is removed. I.e. right after instantiating a dizmo this value can be close to zero. The more data has been entered or collected the higher this number should. However for practical reasons it should usually not be larger than 5000 milliseconds
write true
type integer
range 0..5000
default 1000
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The current title of the dizmo
write true
type string
default variable
example Example dizmo
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The webcolor of the title text
Up to API V1.1 and version 1.1 of dizmoViewer the order of the values was ARGB (#ffafc809 as a default)
write true
type string
range color
default #000000ff
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The current Url of the TinyBrowser.
write true
type string
range URL
default ""
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/dizmos/[dizmoID]/attributes/settings» node defines which parts of the user controls are available to the user. Most of them concern the context menu of the dizmo. Access these items using dizmo.getAttribute("settings/userControls/[element]");
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the user will be able to set an image as the background of the dizmo using the context menu of the dizmo.
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the user will be able to change the background color of the dizmo using the context menu of the dizmo.
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the user will be able to lock and unlock a dizmo using the context menu of the dizmo.
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the user will be able to change the opacity of the frame of the dizmo using its context menu
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the user will be able to remove this dizmo instance by using the context menu of the dizmo.
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the user will be able to change the size and side ration of the dizmo using the handle on the bottom right corner of the dizmo.
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the user will be able to make a dizmo «sticky», i.e. making it hover over the other dizmos, using the context menu of the dizmo.
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the user will be able to change the title of the dizmo using the context menu of the dizmo.
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the user will be able to zoom the dizmo using the handle in the bottom left corner of the dizmo.
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/dizmos/[dizmoID]/attributes» node provides information about the state of the dizmo and the way it is displayed depending on these settings. Access these items using dizmo.getAttribute("state/[info]");
dizmo's note: This flag is set to true by the dizmoViewer whenever the content of a dizmo is active, i.e. clickable. This goes along with showing the cogwheel of a dizmo in the top right corner.
write false
type boolean
default variable
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This attribute is set to true by dizmo space while a dizmo is «closing» i.e. as long as it is in the visual phase of fading out. If this is set to false during this phase, deletion will be stopped the same way this happens when a user clicks the dizmo while it is fading out.
write false
type boolean
default false
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This flag is set to true, while a dizmo is being dragged around by the user. So subscribing to it and interpreting the transition the dizmo can get notified when dragging starts or stops.
write false
type boolean
default false
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This flag is set to true if the dizmo has the focus for user interaction events.
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: True when the frame of the dizmo is hidden, i.e. all additional interaction elements like the header including settings, resize and zoom are not shown. In addition, unlike titleHidden, the bounding rectangle of the dizmo is reduced by the height of the title bar. So any touch just above the dizmo are passed to neighboring dizmo if there is one.
write true
type boolean
default false
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the dizmo will be shown with its front side. If necessary a transition animation will be shown when turning the dizmo around. This animation need to be init by the dizmo.js implementation.
write true
type boolean
default true
subscribable true
dizmo's note: True when the content of the dizmo is frozen, i.e. if the last bitmap rendered is displayed instead of updating the dizmos content continuously. When starting dizmoViewer this is set to true by default. However the dizmoElements library will set this to false before passing control to the dizmo.
write true
type boolean
default false
available since 1.2r1
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the dizmo is hidden, i.e. it will not be visible to the user anymore. Nevertheless it will still exist and run. Please note that this is different from the «HiddenDizmo» property in Info.plist which defines whether or not the dizmo will be shown in the «Creator» dizmo.
write true
type boolean
default false
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the dizmo will be «iconized», i.e. instead of showing the entire dizmo, dizmoViewer will only draw its icon.
write true
type boolean
default false
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the dizmo will be locked. This will make it impossible for the user to move, rotate, resize, remove or in any other way change the dizmo frame. However the content of the dizmo will still be available for interaction without limitation.
write true
type boolean
default false
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the dizmo will be made «sticky», i.e. make it hover over the other dizmos.
write true
type boolean
default false
subscribable true
dizmo's note: If this flag is set to true the titlebar of the dizmo will be made invisible while still allowing the user «grab» the area above the dizmo to drag it around.
write true
type boolean
default false
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This subtree of the «/dizmos/[dizmoID]/attributes» node provides information about geometry of the dizmo when it is made sticky. This is rather different from the standard geometry as it is based on a different coordinate system. Access these items using dizmo.getAttribute("stickyGeometry/[info]");
dizmo's note: The rotation at which the dizmo is displayed on the «sticky layer». A value of «0» means the dizmo is dawn upright
write true
type integer
range 0..360
subscribable true
default 0
dizmo's note: When resizing the dizmoViewer window, a sticky dizmo remembers which border it's relative to: true if the sticky position of the dizmo is relative to left, otherwise to right.
When set to false, x needs to be negative.
write falsetype booleandefault variablesubscribable true
dizmo's note: When resizing the dizmoViewer window, a sticky dizmo remembers which border it's relative to: true if the sticky position of the dizmo is relative to top, otherwise bottom.
When set to false, y needx to be negative.
write falsetype booleandefault variablesubscribable true
dizmo's note: The x position of the top left of the rectangle of the dizmo measured in pixels of the visible surface of dizmoViewer
write true
type integer
range 0..viewerWidth
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The y position of the top left of the rectangle of the dizmo measured in pixels of the visible surface of dizmoViewer
write true
type integer
range 0..viewerHeight
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The zoom factor used to render the dizmo on the «sticky layer». A value of 1 means the dizmo is drawn the way it has been described by the original HTML and CSS code
write true
type float
range 0.1..10
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Informations about the storaged files
dizmo's note: Return the merged size of all storage files.
write false
type integer
default 0
subscribable false
dizmo's note: Nodes stored in this part of the dizmo tree will be accessible from all other dizmos in the same dizmoViewer. Use dizmo.publicStorage().getProperty("[anypath]")
to access such a node.
This is also where you should provide data for other dizmos that are docked or put onto to yours.
dizmo's note: Nodes stored in this part of the dizmo tree will be accessible from the dizmo itself only. Use dizmo.privateStorage().getProperty("[anypath]")
to access such a node.
dizmo's note: The subtree of the «/bundles» node provides access to the data about all the bundles installed in the dizmoViewer currently running. It does so by providing one node for every bundle using the bundleID as its name.
Each of these bundle nodes provides three subtrees providing attributes of a bundle as well as access to its public and private data. Data in the private subtree can only be accessed by dizmos that have been created using this bundle while data in the public subtree can be accessed by any dizmo that has access to that part of the data tree.
Access to a dizmos information is provided by the following access methods:bundle.getAttribute("<path>");
bundle.privateStorage.getProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
bundle.privateStorage.setProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
bundle.publicStorage.getProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
bundle.publicStorage.setProperty("<path>"[, {<options>}]);
For more information have a look at the chapters about «Data Tree» and «Persistence» in the developers documentation.
dizmo's note: The name of this node is a bundleID (in reverse domain name notation) that is used to identify a particular bundle (the source items of a dizmo). In an actual environment expect there to be several of these nodes but all of them sharing the same structure as shown in here.
dizmo's note: The subtree of the «/bundles/[bundleID]/attributes» node provides all kinds of information about the particular bundle used to instantiate dizmos of this particular kind. Access this information using bundle.getAttribute("[info-path]");
dizmo's note: This data item is installed by the viewer when installing a bundle from dizmoStore where the data is stored as an encrypted secret. This data item can be used to safely store data a dizmo instance needs in order to access an external systems like an API key for example. When using this make sure that access to WebInspector is turned off to avoid access to the secret for unauthorized developers.
write false
type string
example "{"GoogleMapsAPIKey" : "#Af567S0k19sA55i", "FaceBookAPIKey": "#Ezxkc&D7qBm0k19" }"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The name of the developer who developed this bundle.
write false
type string
example "John H. Doe"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The category under which the developer of this bundle has published his work. This information is read from the Category
parameter of the bundle's Info.plist file
write false
type string
example "tools"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The description the developer of this bundle has provided with his work. This information is read from the Description
parameter of the bundle's Info.plist file
write false
type string
example "An example dizmo proudly presented by John H. Doe"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array of the dizmoIDs of all dizmos instantiated based on this bundle
write false
type [string]
example ["h8bc3bff70b74d672524fa570f2fa2599", "h52413a56a4c5c72f4ad24528757f99b2"]
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The version of the dizmoJS API library this bundle uses. This information is read from the ApiVersion
parameter of the bundle's Info.plist file
write false
type string
example "1.2"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The version of the dizmoElements library this bundle uses. This information is read from the ElementsVersion
parameter of the bundle's Info.plist file
write false
type string
example "1.0"
subscribable false
default "1.0"
dizmo's note: A list of bundle IDs that are embedded in this bundle too. These bundles are read from Info.plist and will be deinstalled too, if the bundle itself is deinstalled. Only embedded bundles with same domain will be deinstalled so make sure embedded bundles share the same domain in the bundleID.
write false
type [string]
example ["com.example.embedded1", "com.example.embedded2", "com.example.embedded3"]
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The version of the dizmo helper library this bundle uses. This information is read from the HelperVersion parameter of the bundle's Info.plist file.
write false
type string
example 1.0
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The standard height of the rectangle of the dizmo in pixels
write false
type integer
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This flag is true for dizmos that will never appear in the creator because they are instantiated by other interaction elements. The «About» and the «Creator» dizmos are some good examples of this type of dizmos
write false
type boolean
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The URI of the icon of this bundle to be used on a «dark» background.
write false
type string
range URL
example "https://localhost:42613/bundles/com.dizmo.example/Icon-dark.svg"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The URI of the icon of this bundle
write false
type string
range URL
example "https://localhost:42613/bundles/com.dizmo.example/Icon.svg"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This flag is true for dizmos are prebuilt into dizmoViewer and can therefore not be removed by the user. The «Pad» or the «Tiny Browser» dizmos are some good examples of this type of dizmos
write false
type boolean
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array of ISO 639-1 codes listing the languages supported by this bundle
write false
type [string]
example ["en", "de", "fr"]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The minimum version of dizmoViewer this bundle needs to successfully instantiate dizmos. The version must be composed of three integers separated by dots. This information is read from the MinSpaceVersion
parameter of the bundle's Info.plist file
write false
type string
example "1.2"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The of a bundle shown in the Creator dizmo. This information is read from the BundleName
parameter of the bundle's Info.plist file
write false
type string
example "Example"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This subtree node provides collects all options that have been defined for the bundle by the developer.
dizmo's note: If this is set to false it is not possible to open WebInspector for dizmos instantiated from this bundle. This is should be used to avoid easy access to the internal code and data of a dizmo.
write false
type boolean
subscribable false
default true
dizmo's note: The lasts version of this bundle on the shop server as a machine readable string composed of three integers separated by dots, the numbers indicate major version, minor version and update version. This information could be updated by the API call ViewerCore.updateStoreVersions()
write false
type string
example "1.0.15"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: An array tags that have been associated by the developer with this bundle
write false
type [string]
example ["chess", "2player", "easy"]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The default title displayed for a dizmo instantiated from this bundle. This information is read from the BundleDisplayName
parameter of the bundle's Info.plist file
write false
type string
example "One Example"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: A string indicating the version / build for this bundle which is meant to be human readable. This information is read from the BundleVersion
parameter of the bundle's Info.plist file
write false
type string
example "1.0b2 Build 344"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The version of the instance of this bundle as a machine readable string composed of three integers separated by dots, the numbers indicate major version, minor version and update version. This information is read from the BundleShortVersionString
parameter of the bundle's Info.plist file
write false
type string
example "1.0.15"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The standard width of the rectangle of the dizmo in pixels
write false
type integer
subscribable false
dizmo's note: Nodes stored in this part of the dizmo tree will be accessible from all other dizmos in the same dizmoViewer. Use bundle.publicStorage().getProperty("[anypath]")
to access such a node.
dizmo's note: Nodes stored in this part of the dizmo tree will be accessible only from all the dizmos that have been instantiated using the bundle this subtree belongs to. Use bundle.privateStorage().getProperty("[anypath]")
to access such a node.
dizmo's note: Subtree to get data about available live hosts and connections
dizmo's note: A unique identifier like the IP address, the reverse lookup name or the host name of another dizmoViewer instance that is connected or can be connected to the local dizmoViewer instance. Don't make any assumptions about the format of this Id as it might change in the future.
write false
type String
range Any string
example "dev001.example.com-1"
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This item is set to true if the user has confirmed that the host is a valid dizmoLive destination or if the connection details are coming from a trusted source.
write false
type Boolean
subscribable true
dizmo's note: This item provides the state of the connection. The states provided should be self explaining.
write false
type String
range "closed", "connecting", "open", "closing"
example "connecting"
subscribable true
dizmo's note: An array of dizmoIDs of the dizmos currently transmitting from and to the other dizmoViewer if there is currently is an open connection.
write false
type [String]
range hexstring
example ["h3753bff70b74d672524fa570f2fa2567", "hd4413a56a4c5c72f4ad24528757f9850"]
prev-path /viewer/openLiveConnections/dizmos
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The host name of the other dizmoViewer. This string is usually grabbed from the operating system.
write false
type String
example "local.otherComputer"
prev-path /viewer/openLiveConnections/hostName
subscribable true
dizmo's note: The IPv4 address of the device on which the remote instance of dizmoViewer is running in Dot-decimal notation.
write false
type [string]
example ["", ""]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This field provides the IPv4 address of the hub / reflector that is or has to be used to connect to the remote host. If the remote dizmoViewer instance is available using a direct LAN connection this is set to "" (localhost).
write false
type [string]
example ["", ""]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The IPv6 address of the device on which the remote instance of dizmoViewer is running in Colon-hex notation.
write false
type [string]
example ["2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:1234/64", "2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:5342/64"]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This field provides the IPv6 address of the dizmoLive hub / reflector that is or has to be used to connect to the remote host. If the remote dizmoViewer instance is available using a direct LAN connection this is set to "::1" (localhost).
write false
type [string]
example ["::1", "2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7347/64"]
subscribable false
dizmo's note: This item indicates the source of the remote host.
write false
type string
range ssdp, dizmo
subscribable false
dizmo's note: The time of the latest connection status change.
write false
type integer
example 1234567890
prev-path /viewer/openLiveConnections/time
subscribable true
dizmo's note: Name of the user that has signed in on the remote dizmoViewer.
write false
type String
example "kkratzenstein"
prev-path /viewer/openLiveConnections/userName
subscribable true